Friday, July 3, 2015

Hunchback Rag

This is an original barbershop quartet parody

The doctor's labrotory
is the setting to our story
it's where we spend our ti-i-ime
While he's creating creatures
mixing mixtures in his beakers
we're mopping monster sli-i-ime
Cause those monsters that he's making
have a hunger there's no slaking
and their manners are a mess
(oh yes) it's true
And their drooly sloppy munchin's
and their gruely gloppy crunchin's
left a mess of monster goo-oo-oo
Your monster's cooo-ooo-ool
But it's got a drool-ie prob-lem
a crunchin
and a munchin
and a lunchin
* it's not even potty trained I fear *
( -Oh-  dear)
But now I figure
we got a bigger problem
That big bad beastie's coming over here!
over here, over here, over here?!?
When that monster's got the munchies
it isn't just a hunch
   -He's- -Got-  
hunchbacks on his miiii-iiind
Now our knees they are a quaking
We're a shivering and shaking
  -Cuz- -We're-
Really in a bind
(We're hunchbacks - not lunch snacks!)
You Big Bad Beast
Go get yourself away
Right now!  -To-Day!-
(Bad monster!  Stay!)
And now you
 -See- -We-
We got another problem
   -I'm- -AAA-…
fraid we're over-worked and under-paid
So, Doc (here)
Here we are (with)
With our picket signs
   sign.  ^sign.  ^^sign.
We're strike-ing
On strike now
It's A-Bout time
   time.  ^time.  ^^time.
Don't think you'll
Get a hunch-back
A-Cross our picket LI-IIIIiiiIIII-IIIIiiiiIIII-IIIIIIiiiiIIIIine!
Here is a list of our demands. 
 - We find the title hunchback derogatory and henceforth wish to be called:
             Vertically Challenged Anatomical Aquisition Specialists
 - We also want obedience school for you-know-who.  And a leash.  And a muzzle.
 - Additionally, we would like you to shift your research to monsters that are
                   Small and Cuddly
 - We also want a Two Dollar and Fifty cent raise
    - "and a new shovel!"
 - Yes.  And…
    - "a big one too cuz that monster leaves huge piles of…"
 - We DEMAND proper chiropractic coverage!
 - *murmers of agreement from other hunchbacks*
    - "and a wheelbarrow too!"
 - and we want some nifty gadgets.  It's no fair that you get all the cool stuff to yourself.
 *quickly from each hunchback*  <a jet pack> <a brain swapper> <a holographic postcard maker>  <a time machine>  <a clapper for the back door porch light>

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