Once tiny subject of study
Now towers high over the town
My massive monsterous buddy
It grew
Crashing through buildings all clumsy
It's not tyranasaur Gumby
It's just my gigantic chum see
And then suddenly jets swarmed over the blue sky
Their missiles made my monster frown
With acid breath it cleared the noon sky
And in a fit it tore the whole town down
It grew
My one-time subject of study
With potions red, green, and brown
Became my expandable buddy
************************* With background lyrics *************************
N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It Grew, Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Once tiny Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
subject o' study grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Now towers high Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
o'er the town grew, grew, grew, it grew |
My massive mon- Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
-sterous buddy N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It Grew, It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Crashing through build- Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
-ings all
clumsy It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
It's not Ty-ran- Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
-a-saur Gumby It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
It's just |
my gi-gan- Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
-tic chum see Wa wa-wa-wa-wa-waaaa |
And then suddenly jets chew chew CHEW CHEW |
swarmed o'er chew chew CHEW CHEW |
the blue
sky chew chew CHEW CHEW |
Their missiles chew chew CHEW CHEW |
made my chew chew CHEW CHEW |
mon-ster chew chew CHEW CHEW |
frowwwwn chew chew CHEW CHEW |
chew chew CHEW CHEW |
With acid breath chew chew CHEW CHEW |
it cleared the noon sky chew chew CHEW CHEW |
chew chew CHEW CHEW |
And in a fit, it tore the whole town
dowwwwn wwaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh wwaaaaaahhhhhh |
Oh oh oh |
It Grew, It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
My one-time subject Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
of study grew, grew, grew, it grew |
With potions red Chug gla-gug gla-gug |
green and brown Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Became my ex- Chug gla-gug gla-gug |
-pandable buddy N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It grew |
Ohh ohh-ohh oh oh It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
Grew, grew, grew, it grew |
Chomp cha-chomp cha-chomp |
N-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na, n-na n-na n-na |
Thang thanga thang thang |
Thinga thing thing |
It Grew |
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